New Life

So many things are happening at once. I am taking on new yoga classes to teach, meeting with new people, adjusting my life to a new schedule. It feels a bit like learning a new language, fun, exciting and a little scary when it comes to speaking :). Inside me I have a ton of waves, rushing to come out, to create and sing loudly. Feels a bit like birth pains, there is a lot to let go, my idea of a 'work life', a steady pay-check, my old work suits :) But there is a lot to be gained too, mornings with mumu, enjoying the silence of my home, feeling my heart beat while I prepare my next class and hope that everything works out for the best. I am back to praying now, praying that I can be a good channel to pass along the gifts of yoga, the happiness, the joy, the flow. And I get to remember often, to be kind and loving to my yet unenlightened self.


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