Awesome Noodles

Pick any kind of noodles you like, Asian rice noodles thick or thin, or sweet potato noodles are great. Cook in boiled water with salt and set aside

For the veggies, again any kind of veggies you like. 
You could do broccoli, onions and mushrooms. Sauté them in a little bit of avocado oil and set aside. Optionally, add your broccoli on top of your noodles in the boiling water. Once the broccoli is cooked (takes 2-3 minutes), strain just the broccoli and add the cooked past on top of it on your serving plate when done. (see picture above)

For the sauce
1 tablespoon of grated ginger
3 cloves of garlic
4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (or any vinegar you have)
2 tablespoons of toasted sesame oil
1/2 cup of tamari sauce
4 teaspoons of maple syrup 
The juice of one lime
2 tablespoons of miso (used white miso from Trader Joe’s)

Mix it all together and your sauce is ready. Taste and adjust ingredients as needed. 

In a large serving pan, place your veggies, then your noodles, lastly pour your sauce. Mix it all together and divide up into individual bowls. Garnish with green onions, cilantro leaves and toasted sesame seeds. 



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