My favorite things - kitchen

So I decided to give you a quick preview of my favorite things in my kitchen. First here is my kitchen. It looks quite cosy with a ton of stuff, I know. I happen to collect a lot of 'stuff', lately in the last few years, this includes 'kitchen stuff' too. As much as I would have liked larger, better-looking cabinets, as well as a pantry and a nicer countertop, there are still a few things I adore about my kitchen.

Starting with two of my drawers. The first is my spice drawer. It is in the perfect spot for grabbing that extra something something to add to my dishes. Plus somewhat of a genius (ehem!) organization lets me see everything in one look and easily grab what I need.

Same goes for my tea drawer. It is right next to my kettle for a quick tea.

Also great to note, Stash and Twinnings brands don't have a metal thing that holds the tea bag together, thus saving you from being exposed to toxins in your tea (if you have tea bags that are held together with smal pieces of metal just remember to keep that part out as you stew you tea :)

And I can always grab my tea-tin out, for offering options to my guests (I know, I'm good :).

Next item is a new favorite. We received a pair of these as a gift from a family friend who lives in Luxemburg (Thank you Zeynep Abla!). I just adore the shape of these cups, plus they are sooo elegant to hold and even to hang!

Lastly, I absolutely LOVE my kitchen magnets. I tried making my own recently (see 'I like my life'). There's some room for improvement there, but here are a few of my faves from the existing ones. The top of the fridge has mostly artsy magnets with some inspiration (I love the house rules for instance), then comes the collection of chinese fortunes (I challenge you to read them :), gum fortunes from Turkish gum (falim) and the magnet I made. Below these I post the cards, letters, notes I get from family and friends. And the most important part: the side of the fridge hosts our travel magnets :).

That's all for now. More faves to come in the next days! :)


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