Two and a half hours of bliss :)
It took me a while to sleep after I got home, I was still feeling the energy from the flow. Then we woke up at 5am today, I dropped mumu and Toros off at the airport to San Diego. In the car, I prepared them nutella-whole wheat mini bagel sandwiches and somehow (I think it was the nutella taste :) we started talking about our childhood songs and tongue twisters, touching on classics like 'cek dostum cek amanin dostum elini elimin ustunden cek!' aaand 'muujde mujdee sizeee, parizyenden mujdee size, zarif saglam esnek coraaap, rahat coraaap muuujdeee!' :). Also if anyone knows how this one started or how it ends, give me a call! '...aaablama gittim, ablam pilav pisirmis, icine sican dusurmus, bu sicani naaapmali, minareden aaatmali!..' I can't for the life of me remember the rest :)
Another lesson from yesterday: don't mix a multi-vitamin with hot tea on an empty stomach! (Cayi icer icmez, vitaminli cay olarak disari cikti, kusmuum sandoz rengi ve kokusundaydi :))
Damla out (to sleep)!
Usudum, usudum, daldan elma dusurdum
Elmami yediler, bana cuce dediler
Cucelikten ciktim, ablama gittim,...